Sunday, February 14, 2010


So I fell in love with Kerli's "Walking on Air" and "Love is Dead" last year while in Italy. The only English speaking channel we got in our apartment was MTV and they were playing her on repeat. So eventually her songs melted into my ear and I bought them and abused them on my iTunes to the point where for a while there she was in my Top 25 Most Played playlist. Which is weird, because I wouldn't consider her in my top 25 favorite artists at all. Whatever.

The point here is that I had to update my Emilie Autumn post from last year to disclose that I did end up meeting her. That coupled with a brief update of my facebook page - made me want to post these pictures of her. I think she has the same something that Emilie Autumn does. The gothy-hardness that I think is so cool. Kerli is definitely way more pop, but still I think she's magnificent and would like you to enjoy these pictures of her.

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